June 2014
New Forest Show 2014
We are pleased to announce that Dovey Limited has a stand at the New Forest and Hampshire County Show 2014.
We will be displaying a number of McCormick Tractors. The dates for the show are Tuesday 29th July, Wednesday 30th July and Thursday 31st July 2014. As always the show will be held at New Park, Brockenhurst. We hope to see you all there.
For more information on the show visit www.newforestshow.co.uk

May 2014
Nugent Cattle Boxes and Trailers
Throughout the month of May we have some special offers on Nugent cattle boxes and trailers.
If you would like more information please contact Lee on 07889 253995 / 01590 611095

April 2014
Filter Kits
Oli has put together filter kits for all makes and models of tractor.
If you would like more information please contact Oli on 01590 611095 or email parts@doveyltd.co.uk
March 2014
Spring is in the air - Maybe?
This year don’t be caught out now’s the time to get your equipment prepared.
Dovey Limited are able to offer services and parts for all your equipment.
If you would like more information, please contact Lee on 07889 253995 / 01590 611095

February 2014
As some of you may know Oli has taken over the running of our parts department. He has been busy updating the shop and our stock parts.
For any parts enquiries you may have please contact Oli on 01590 611095 or email parts@doveyltd.co.uk

January 2014
New Year, New Tractor
I's a New Year so why not treat yourself to a new tractor!
We have new, used and ex hire tractors in stock!

As well as tractors we also have ex hire trailers and telescopic handlers!
If you would like any more information, or to have a demonstration please contact Richard